Charitable Contribution for Horse Rescue
Cara Maria Sorbello is back on MTV’s The Challenge for her 12th season. As the competition progresses, the rivalries have escalated to a new level! The latest argument on the show left many viewers shocked when Amanda calls out, “I hope your horse dies” to fellow contestant, Cara. Fortunately, Cara has turned those ill words into a positive note by making a charitable donation in Amanda’s name.
Making A Difference for Montana’s Horse Rescue
As an avid horse rider who often speaks of her horse Garnett, it comes as no surprise that Cara turned the negative comment into a positive opportunity for saving the lives of horses. Following the episode, Cara responded to the argument by teaming up with a Montana horse rescue, Equis Save Foundation. For an entire week, she will be donating 100% of all proceeds from her videos to the foundation.
About Equis Save Foundation
The Equis Save Foundation is a horse rescue in Park County, Montana. They are dedicated to promoting the rescue of slaughter bound and neglected horses. Their mission is to let the world know what rescue horses can do through public education and by rewarding their accomplishments in all aspects of equine sport. For more information, please visit